Jejemput Ikan Bilis
Those who know me know that cooking is my escape from the real world. It brings such satisfaction when my loved ones enjoyed the food. I was blessed with the opportunity to learn how to cook from my mother. She’s a great cook really. So, many years ago I made some videos for my sister who happen to live continents apart from us. She still is. Having picky eater baby, she struggled with this department of cooking. I remember we cook together over Skype for Eid. That has become our tradition. Then I decided rather than giving her the recipe, I shall try to create a video instead. It’ll be handy as she’s 7 / 8 hours behind us. She doesn’t have to wait for me whenever she wanted to ask for any recipe. She could just watch and listen to the video. I made few videos then uploaded it on youtube. The best place to keep them videos. Not sure what happened in between but life happens definitely; I stop making video and I remember deleted some of them. But I recall peeking ...