Chili Prawn

600 gram of Prawn - wash and put aside
Garlic / 5 cloves  just smash it ;) and chop
Shallot - 5 of them / finely chopped
Onion - cut them all ;)
Chili paste - 5 spoons (you may add or reduce this portion )
Chives - Cut them maybe in few CM's length. (up to you)
Salt - to taste
Sugar - to taste
Cooking Oil - 4 tablespoons
Water - 5 tablespoon
How To
  1. Heat the cooking oil over medium high heat, add in Garlic, Shallot Stir-fry until the turn they into light brownish color and aromatic.
  2. Add the cili paste and water, stir and leave it for few minutes..
  3. Add in the prawn, continue to stir it until the prawn is half cook,
  4. Add the onion, chives, salt and sugar, stir-fry.
  5. Dish out and serve 'em immediately ;)
Easy right? ;)


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