Bihun Singapore
Ingredients A Chicken- cut it into cubes, marinate with salt + black pepper (loads of them), leave it for as long as you desire, prolly 30 minutes or so. B Garlic / 5 cloves just smash it ;) and chop Shallot - 5 of them / finely chopped C - cut them all ;) Cabbage Carrot Chives D Bihun | 1/3 of the packet (white thin noddles) E Salt Cooking Oil - 5 table spoon How To Heat the cooking oil in a large wok (if you have any, else you may use large sautéing-pan) over medium high heat, add ingredient A. You may wait for few minutes until the chicken is half cooked. Now add ingredient B, stir from time to time until for about 3-4 mins or until they turn to slight golden brown. Reduce the heat, and add ingredient C except for the Chives, (i usually save it until the later part) you might want to add in some water, few spoons maybe, cover and let them simmer for few minutes until the carrot slightly soften. yo...